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Ways to Sell Popcorn

Your unit may sell popcorn in either or both sales in the Fall and Spring.

Show and Deliver - Fall Sale Only
Show and Deliver is simply having the product in the Scout’s hands as they go from door to door to sell.

1. The unit places an order for a supply of popcorn, usually based on previous year’s sale if the unit sold before.
2. The popcorn kernel (unit popcorn chairperson) picks up the popcorn for the sale on the Show and Deliver Pickup Date.
3. The unit distributes the popcorn to the Scouts who are selling.
4. When the sale is complete, the scouts return any unsold product and their funds to the unit kernel. The unit kernel repackages the popcorn in the correct boxes and returns the popcorn to the designated location on the Popcorn Return Date. (Please remember to make an appointment for your Returns!!)
5. The unit kernel pays the council the full amount at that time for popcorn sold.

Card Sale - Both Spring and Fall Sales
Card sale is where the Scout has a card with the product information on an order sheet and takes orders from customers.

1. The Scout can take orders beginning on Sale Start Date until the Sale End Date.
2. Scouts submit their orders to their unit kernel, who calculates the order needed for their unit and places their order with the council.
3. The order for Card Sale is due at the Council Service Center by the Order Due Date.
4. Your popcorn can be picked up on Popcorn Pickup Date.
5. Your unit kernel pays the council for their popcorn on or before the Settlement Date.

No orders will be taken over the phone. You must Fax, email or mail your order.

For More Information
For more information about Popcorn Sales, contact Michelle Austin at the Council Service Center or send an email to