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Membership Resources

***The Merit Badge Application will need to accompany the adult application for all first time merit badge counselors. If you are adding or taking off a merit badge, you just need to complete this application.


Other Official Sites

Training Awards

The Scouter's Training Award is an adult recognition of the Boy Scouts of America. This award is available across several different program areas and can be earned more than once.

Scouter's Key Awards

The Scouter's Key Award is an adult recognition of the Boy Scouts of America. This award is available across several different program areas and can be earned more than once.

Other Resources

  • BSA chartered units may participate in approved fundraising projects provided BSA Rules and Regulations and guidelines are followed. These help ensure the safety of all participants, the quality of the product or service and avoids commercialization of BSA. Units conducting such an activity must submit a Unit Money-Earning Application (Form No. 34427) for approval by the chartered organization and their local BSA council prior to holding an activity.

    BSA has issued a 15 page Fundraising Policies and Procedures Manual which describes the rules and regulations for conducting fundraising activities to accomplish the above objectives and ensure that fundraising is planned and coordinated using sound fundraising principles. It addresses the policies concerning contributions, fundraising, advertising, commercialism, use of the uniform, gambling, local council control, unit money-earning projects, pyramid sales, products sales, Scouting public display activities and raising funds. Unit leaders are strongly encouraged to read the manual prior to running a money-earning activity.

    The BSA Unit Money-Earning Application (Form No. 34427) serves as the means for obtaining project fundraising approval and complying with the BSA rules, regulations and guidelines. It consists of an application format that fully describes the proposed fundraising project and provides for approval by the unit leader, unit committee chair, the chartered organization representative, and the District or Council Finance Committee. The form can be downloaded from the BSA web site.

    The reverse side of the form contains the eight guidelines for unit money-earning projects to assist in completing the application and to ensure compliance with BSA rules and regulations. All unit fundraisers must obtain written approval from the local council no less than 14 days before committing to the fundraising activity.

    Before any person in your unit signs a contract, he or she must make sure the venture is legitimate and worthy. If a contract is signed, he or she is personally responsible. A contract cannot be signed on behalf of the local council or the Boys Scouts of America, nor may an individual bind the chartered organization without its written authorization.

    BSA units are strongly encouraged to participate in existing BSA fundraising activities such as Popcorn sales which already meet BSA rules and regulations and are designed to support both unit activities and individual Scout financial needs.

  • All scouts and adults attending camp will need to complete this form. Always a good idea to make a few copies!

  • Timely and complete incident reporting provides the BSA with an opportunity for analysis of incidents that occur and promotes continuous improvement of our programs. In our experience, the sooner a clear, concise, and complete incident report is made, the sooner that an appropriate response to the incident can occur.

    What is an incident? There are three types of reportable incidents:

    Near Miss—A near miss does not result in injury, illness, or damage, by definition, but it had the potential to do so.
    General Liability—Events or allegations of injury, illness, or property damage, including employment, director, and officer issues.
    Youth Protection/Membership Infraction—Allegations of abuse, violations of BSA guidelines or policies, or inappropriate behavior by a Scout/Scout leader/parent/other.

    More information available on the National Scouting Website at:

  • Use this tool to report near misses in programs such as COPE and climbing activities. A near miss is an incident that did not result in injury, illness, or damage by definition but that had the potential to have done so.

    For more information go to the National BSA website here:

  • The Outdoor Education Center offers camping, BB gun shooting, archery, slingshots, soccer field, open fields, indoor rock wall, 5 stand, meeting room rentals and event rentals.

    If your unit would like to camp and enjoy other activities, you will need to fill out the online rental form and submit it.

  • Taking Wood Badge in 2024 and need a little assistance. Please fill the scholarship application out and return to the address listed on the application.

Navigating Incidents

Unit Resources for Incident Reporting  

Navigating Incidents, A 5 Step Guide for Units 

The Navigating Incidents Guide for Units is a resource aimed at equipping unit leaders with the necessary tools and steps to effectively respond to unexpected situations within the Boy Scouts of America community. The guide serves as a roadmap, outlining five key steps prioritizing safety and appropriate action: 

  • Step 1: Immediate Safety 
  • Step 2: Grasp the Full Situation 
  • Step 3: Document the Incident Thoroughly 
  • Step 4: Notify the Local Council 
  • Step 5: Follow Up with Care 

To learn more, visit Navigating Incidents: Guide for Units can be found here. 

District Executive Forms

D.E's can use this form to schedule events and meetings on the calendar.