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Finance Committee

Financing within the district is directed by the district finance committee using the council plans, procedures and policies as determined by the local council finance committee. The district finance committee chairman provides administrative leadership for the district finance program. The district finance committee chairman is a member of the council finance committee.

The district finance committee includes the following subcommittee chairmen and members as needed:

Scout family, Friends of Scouting Sub-Committee
Recruits leadership and steering committees, helps interpret council services to units, and coordinates the campaign in the district. Committee members are charged with implementing the council plan for the district.

Product Sales Sub-Committee
Has volunteers who are knowledgeable of unit operation and salesmanship. They promote and administer the council product sale with the units within the district.

Unit Money-Earning and Policy Sub-Committee
Includes people to review Unit Money-Earning Applications and also interpret the BSA finance policies for unit leaders as well as district volunteers.

Project Sales
District Scouters may help select and sell specific items determined to be in support of council operating budget by the council finance committee.

United Way
Relationships and budget presentations are the responsibility of influential district volunteers in some districts.