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Activities and Civic Service Committee

A council is no stronger than the districts that form it. The district activities and civic service committee or program team has two major objectives:

1. To carry out its part in council-wide activities. (The best-planned council activity will be a flop unless districts each do their part in making it successful.)
2. To supplement council activities with additional activities on a district basis.

Committee Responsibilities
It is the responsibility of the activities and civic service committee to support units through the planning, promotion and operation of multi-unit events that supplement, but do not supplant, unit program.

A district activities committee does the following:
1. Plans and promotes a well-balanced schedule of district events and recruits teams to carry them out.
2. Decides how Scouting can become involved in the selected needs and interests of communities in the district.
3. Helps Scouting units take part in community service projects in such a manner that youth members learn qualities of good citizenship.
4. Promotes and assists with the planning of council events (such as the council show or Eagle Scout dinner).
5. Promotes and carries out the district's share of national events (such as Scouting Anniversary Week or a national jamboree).
6. Conducts an annual poll of unit leaders to determine unit needs and interests for district activities.

Committee Operation
Council and district activities should complement one another. Each provides organized activities which are adventurous for Scouts.

In planning and operating district-wide activities, you interpret and dramatize Scouting for the public. In a sense, activities are public relations devices as well as special events for Scouting units. Knowing this, you can make activities serve not only Cub Scouting, Boy Scouting and Venturing but also promote community support for Scouting.

As you get involved in planning and running an activity, you'll find that you need support from district or council professional Scouters, other district Scouters and unit volunteers. Don't expect to do everything. Scouting is a network of cooperating volunteers and professionals. Ask for cooperation and use the network.

In the fall, probably November, your committee must plan the coming year's district activities. In addition, the committee should check on the schedule for upcoming council activities.

Overall coordination is the duty of the committee chairman. Other committee members are responsible for specific district activities or your district's part in the council recognition dinner, the anniversary celebration, the council-wide Scoutorama, etc. Specific event chairmen and committee members are recruited with a starting date and an ending date specified for each event.

Your Chairman
The chairman gives leadership to the district activities and civic service committee and moderates committee meetings during the committee break-out sessions of the monthly coordinated district committee meeting. Moreover, the chairman is responsible for recruiting, organizing and training enough committee members to carry out the activities function of the district.

The chairman helps the council plan its activities. He or she is the link between your committee and the council and represents you on the council activities committee. This Scouter meets at least once a month with the district executive for a briefing and to review plans for current activities